Filming Day!
Today was the first day filming!! Overall, I am extremely pleased with the results. With the excuse of some hilarious bloopers, the time spent was not wasted at all. Every shot was made several times to be perfected and to make it easier to edit with a greater variety of clips. The dolls with the eyes covered came out absolutely perfect. I loved the look. With several tweaks to make sure the bedroom was transformed from a guy’s room to a phobia-ruled girl’s room, the location was great. We took some old baby photos from my eldest cousin’s photo album to make it seem more homey and realistic. I wrote MANY post-it notes to fill the walls and make it appear the way I wanted it to as well. (The blindfolded bears on the bed were created just incase and did not end up appearing in the filming process.) Today we also filmed the bathroom scene. Changing this location was a mess. The bathroom was being remo...