Getting the Equipment Ready

    It is almost filming time! Now that I have the storyboard, mise-en-scene, and credits finalized, I need to prepare the equipment and props.

My first step was to create a list of everything I will need to film the opening:
·      DJI Osmo Mobile (for smooth camera movement)
·      Post-its     (to fill the walls)
·      Red and black markers (to write on sticky notes)
·      Cellphone     (to ring in the beginning)
·      Teddy bears     (for pop-up scare)
·      Black tape     (to cover cellphone camera & teddy bears’ eyes)
·      Coffee Maker     (for coffee scene)
·      Coffee Mug     (for coffee & to drop and break)
·      Television     (for t.v. scene)
·      Television Control (to switch between channels)
·      Fridge     (to put sticky notes on)

The next step was to prepare everything for filming and placement in the ‘set’ to make it easy on the day I will be filming. For the DJI Osmo Mobile to work, I will need to download the app “DJI GO”. What this allows it to do is to view, edit, and share the videos with special camera controls and settings.

I then moved on to coming up with phrases to write on the post-it notes and writing them down. I included some phrases such as “you are alone,” “you are stronger than the fear,” and “no one is watching you.” These serve to reinforce the idea that the plot surrounds scopophobia and that the main character is trying to overcome the intense phobia.  After preparing several stickies with the phrases, I moved on to creating the credits. For those, I got different colored post-it notes saying “directed by,” “produced by,” and the actors’ names.

On to the teddy bears! I found some that I think fit nicely and put some tape over their eyes. Lastly, I cut off a small piece of the same tape and put it over the cellphone camera to be shown in the beginning of the opening.


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