Group Feedback

    Hey everyone! So, lately I have been dealing with some hardships relating to the opening. I start one idea, but then I never seem to be able to finish it because they are never up to the standard that I want them to be at. I am strongly leaning towards the idea of basing the film off of scopophobia and playing around with the “someone is watching you” theme. But honestly, I have absolutely no clue as to how I am going to make it apparent to the viewers that what is happening is due to the fear. I also can not come up with an interesting beginning that is not extremely abrupt or an ending that leaves the audiences ‘creeped out.’
    As I entered my classroom today, to my surprise, the teacher told us that we were peer reviewing the projects to help us get some insight. The feedback I received made a huge difference! My peers went first and by listening to their ideas, it helped me see what others were doing and how I could get creative. When it was my turn, I shared my plan of surrounding it around scopophobia. Everyone loved it, but I mentioned that I wasn’t sure if to implement my previous plan of using spirits as well. They told me to not mix both and to focus on one because it would complicate the plot and would be too hard to portray. [1] After discussing what we could do with both, the scenes we came up with for scopophobia were much more interesting.
    The beginning is still unclear, but the ending they came up with is very good. At the end, the teenager would be lying in bed ready to sleep. The camera will slowly zoom out from the room, through the window, out to the street in front of the house. In the middle of the street, a man will be standing in all black, staring into the girl’s window. It could be an over-the-shoulder shot or keep going further past the man and show his entire body. The lights in the house will turn off and the entire screen will go black. We kept discussing the possible endings and my friend David gave the idea for a great scene. The inspiration was taken from the scene in Shaun of the Dead. [2] I will most likely use the channel switching to create a sentence, except it will say something like “he is watching you.” I will also make my own changes in the editing process and will add a spooky ending that works with my plot. Overall, I am very happy with the suggestions given to me and have a much clearer idea of what I will do for my opening.


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